Sears List Of Subject Headings

Delivering a core list of key headings, together with patterns
and examples to guide the cataloger in creating further headings as
required, Sears List of Subject Headings has been the standard
thesaurus of subject terminology for small and medium-sized libraries since 1923.

The world of libraries in the twenty-first century is already quite different
from what it was only recently. More information is available in machine-readable
form, and ready access to the Internet has changed the way many users seek and find
information. This new edition of Sears List of Subject Headings keeps pace by
including hundreds of new subject terms, all organized using language that makes
the most sense to the modern library researcher.

This essential resource features:


Sears List of Subject Headings has been developed by a diverse team of public and school librarians.
New headings in this edition reflect the changing needs of library users, which includes addressing
the growing literature in the areas of racial equality, societal changes, technological advances, and
the COVID-19 pandemic, among other topics.

The Principles of Sears List, appears in the printed volume and online, outlines the theoretical
foundations of the Sears List and provides a concise introduction to subject cataloging in general.
This introduction is "recommended-reading" for librarians seeking to learn more about the fundamentals of cataloging.

Buyers of the print edition of Sears List of Subject Headings get One Year of FREE ONLINE ACCESS.
Contact us at (844) 630-6369 for more information about how to subscribe to Sears List of Subject Headings, in print or online.